Squad Leader: The Game of Infantry Combat in WW II (No 822)
Squad Leader: The Game of Infantry Combat in WW II (No 822),【VSFighting】GGST 部門 TOP8 日本語配信【AWT2023】,🐻試合結果🐻 3XS 2024-25 SEASON EGOZARU DIVISION ROUND4 @3xs_3x3 . 🐻game1🐻 VS SAGAMIHARA PROCESS 21-12 Win‼️🔥 . 🐻game2🐻 VS IKEBUKURO DROPS 21-19 Win‼️🔥 . 🐻Semi-Final🐻 VS dominate 20-14 Win‼️🔥 . 🐻final🐻 VS SHINAGAWACC,🐻試合結果🐻 3XS 2024-25 SEASON EGOZARU DIVISION ROUND8 @3xs_3x3 . 🐻game1🐻 VS 茨城BACK BONE 21-11 Win‼️🔥 . 🐻game2🐻 VS SAGAMIHARA PROCESS 17-21 Lose😭😭 . 応援ありがとうございました‼️ . [ROSTER] #占部賢人 #草野颯斗 #福永雅刀 #工藤卓哉 . . #,dslyecxi.com – ShackTac and the art of Serious Fun,