The Carpenter and Joiner, Stair Builder, and Hand Railer. With Fifty-Nine Plates, Comprising a Series of Card-Board Models by Robert Riddell on Pazzo
The Carpenter and Joiner, Stair Builder, and Hand Railer. With Fifty-Nine Plates, Comprising a Series of Card-Board Models by Robert Riddell on Pazzo ,Robert Riddell『The Carpenter and Joiner, Stair Builder, and Hand Railer』1985年エジンバラ刊 西洋建築設計図面集 英国建築プラン図集 - 画集,The Carpenter and Joiner Stair Builder and Hand Railer by Riddell Robert - AbeBooks,Impossible Constructions – M.C. Escher – The Official Website,Architectural Details from Old New England Homes (Schiffer Book for Woodcarvers): Schuler, Stanley: 9780764309816: Books,