英文書誌事典 西洋人女性の明治日本記 Meiji Japan as Western Women Saw It - A Bibliographic Companion Ronald D. Klein(編著) - ユーリカ・プレス | 版元ドットコム
英文書誌事典 西洋人女性の明治日本記 Meiji Japan as Western Women Saw It - A Bibliographic Companion Ronald D. Klein(編著) - ユーリカ・プレス | 版元ドットコム,Women and Public Life in Early Meiji Japan: The Development of the Feminist Movement,English Book “Art and Artifice: Japanese Photographs Of The Meiji Era” — Japanese Cultural & Community Center of Washington Seattle,Yōshū (Hashimoto) Chikanobu | Court Ladies Sewing Western Clothing (Jokan yōfuku saihō no zu) | Japan | Meiji period (1868–1912) | The Metropolitan Museum of Art,Women in England 1760-1914,