Heaven and Empire: Khmer Bronzes from the 9th to 15th Century : Zeffreys, Marlene: Amazon.sg: Books
Heaven and Empire: Khmer Bronzes from the 9th to 15th Century : Zeffreys, Marlene: Amazon.sg: Books,A RARE BRONZE FIGURE OF UMA, ANGKOR WAT STYLE, KHMER EMPIRE, 12TH CENTURY,Lot 219 - A MONUMENTAL SANDSTONE FIGURE OF NARASIMHA,,Khmer bronzes : new interpretations of the past : Bunker, Emma C : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive,Khmer Bronzes: New Interpretations of the Past: Douglas Latchford, Emma C. Bunker: 9781588861115: Amazon.com: Books,